RSS Creator
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Using Feed Editor
Creating New Feed
Opening Existing Feed
Editing Feed
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Removing Feed
Feed Items
Creating New Item
Editing Item
Cloning Item
Deleting Item
Rearranging Item Order
Feed Image
Including Image in Feed
Using HTML in Description Fields
Using Import Wizard
Using Export Feature
Source Code Editor
Using the Source Code Editor
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Using the Preview Feature
Program settings
Feed2Html PHP script
Converting RSS to HTML online: Feed2Html
Launching script
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Using Export Feature

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To export data from the current RSS feed, open the export window, select a template and the path to the output file and press the “Export” button.


For example:


Template file:



$NAME=Basic HTML Page











<!-- ExtraLabs Software:  -->


        <A href="%FeedLink%"><H1>%FeedTitle%</H1></A>



        <TABLE width="100%">










                    <B><A href="%ItemLink%">%ItemTitle%</A></B>
















Output file (source code):





            My First RSS Feed




<!-- Generated by ExtraLabs Feed Editor [] -->

        <H1>My First RSS Feed</H1>

        <H2>This is my first RSS Feed. I created it with <a href="/feed-editor.htm">Feed Editor</a></H2>


        <TABLE width="100%">




                    12/05/2005 22:56:09





                    <B><A href="">Sample Topic: What is RSS?</A></B>





                    An XML format for sharing content among different Web sites such as news items. How does it work? A Web site can allow other sites to publish some of its content by creating an RSS document and registers the document with an RSS publisher. A web publisher can post a link to the rss feed so users can read the distributed content on his/her site.







                    12/05/2005 22:56:09





                    <B><A href="/feed-editor.htm">Sample Topic: What is Feed Editor?</A></B>





                    Feed Editor is a powerful and easy-to-use RSS feed editor. With this program, you will be able to not only create new RSS feeds that look professionally, but also support them and update.







                    12/05/2005 22:56:09





                    <B><A href="/products.htm">Sample Topic: What is ExtraLabs Software?</A></B>





                    Founded in 2002, ExtraLabs Software is a dynamically expanding software development company, focused on producing NET software for home and corporate users.












Output file (in browser):


My First RSS Feed

This is my first RSS Feed. I created it with Feed Editor

12/05/2005 22:56:09

Sample Topic: What is RSS?

An XML format for sharing content among different Web sites such as news items. How does it work? A Web site can allow other sites to publish some of its content by creating an RSS document and registers the document with an RSS publisher. A web publisher can post a link to the rss feed so users can read the distributed content on his/her site.

12/05/2005 22:56:09

Sample Topic: What is Feed Editor?

Feed Editor is a powerful and easy-to-use RSS feed editor. With this program, you will be able to not only create new RSS feeds that look professionally, but also support them and update.

12/05/2005 22:56:09

Sample Topic: What is ExtraLabs Software?

Founded in 2002, ExtraLabs Software is a dynamically expanding software development company, focused on producing NET software for home and corporate users.


ExtraLabs Software