The Feed Editor preferences window will help you configure the
program in the most convenient way. To invoke the preferences
window, select the “Preferences…” item of the “Tools” menu.
Save project files
If this option is marked, Feed Editor will save your project
(XML file and image file, if any) when closing the program or
changing the current project.
Always create backup
If this option is marked, then a backup copy of the RSS feed
file with the .bak extension will be created when saving the RSS
Save passwords
Save passwords to FTP servers. Strong encryption algorithm is
used for encrypting them.
Keep FTP log
Keep log of the FTP-client of the program. The log is saved into
the program folder and has the “.log” extension.
Use template for creating new
Feed Editors can optimize and speed up the process of creating
new RSS feeds by using an existing RSS feed as a template when
creating a new feed.