RSS Creator
Feed Editor RSS Creator Manual Back Back
Welcome to Feed Editor
End User License Agreement
Where to Get Help
Useful links
Contact Us
Getting Started
New Feed Wizard
Main window
Feed Tab
Feed Items tab
Image Tab
Using Feed Editor
Creating New Feed
Opening Existing Feed
Editing Feed
Saving Feed
Uploading Feed
Removing Feed
Feed Items
Creating New Item
Editing Item
Cloning Item
Deleting Item
Rearranging Item Order
Feed Image
Including Image in Feed
Using HTML in Description Fields
Using Import Wizard
Using Export Feature
Source Code Editor
Using the Source Code Editor
Preview Feed
Using the Preview Feature
Program settings
Feed2Html PHP script
Converting RSS to HTML online: Feed2Html
Launching script
Recommended software

Main window

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The main window of the program can be divided into several main areas.






The program is controlled using the menu. You can create a new feed, save or load an RSS feed using the “Feed” menu. The “Items” menu contains commands for working with RSS feed items – creating, removing, duplicating etc. The “Image” menu is used to work with RSS feed images. Using the “Tools” menu, you can run various additional Feed Editor tools and invoke the configuration window.



Some of the menu items can also be found in the toolbars.


Feed toolbar




– Run New Feed Wizard.

– Create a new RSS feed.

– Open an existing RSS feed.

– Save the RSS feed. To choose filename, use the “Feed\Save As…” command in the program menu.

– Delete the current RSS feed from the feed list.

– Upload the current RSS feed to a website using FTP.

– Open the RSS feed in the source editing mode.

– Preview the RSS feed. Use this mode before publishing your feed.


The Item and Image toolbars are accessible through the corresponding tabs (see below).






The three main tabs “Feed”, “Feed Items” and “Feed Image” are situated under the Feed toolbar. They represent the three basic parts of any RSS feed or podcast. Using the “Feed” tab you can edit parameters of the current RSS feed, the “Feed Items” tab is used to add, remove and edit items (news articles) and the “Feed Image” tab – to add and edit RSS feed image.


Feed Combobox




The dropdown feed list includes all RSS feeds added to Feed Editor. By clicking a list item you can load the feed into the program. To delete an item, use the corresponding button in the Feed toolbar or the program window.


Status bar

The first field displays the program state. The second one shows the current date and time (double-click this field to invoke the date and time configuration window).


Special buttons

– run HTML-editor to work with “description” fields.

– test the link (open it in the browser window).

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