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Skype Recorder

"It's probably the best application for recording audio and video calls via Skype"

Our software lets you:

  • Automatically record audio calls via Skype and save them in the MP3, OGG, or WAV format.

  • Automatically record video calls via Skype and save them in the AVI, MPEG, or DIVX format.

  • Record audio and video conferences.

  • Edit audio files on-the-fly in the application.

  • Secretly monitor any Skype calls.

A lot of people use Skype. That comes as no surprise, because Skype made a revolution in telephony. It has enabled faster and cheaper phone calls compared to conventional telephony providers. However, Skype users lack a simple and easy way of recording phone calls.

Here it comes —  ExtraLabs Skype Recorder (ESR)! This small yet incredibly powerful application runs in background mode, silently waiting for you to start talking via Skype. As soon as your conversation begins, Skype Recorder starts recording your call, saving it into a popular format of your choice, which you can play back later. It's really handy! Download ESR now and see for yourself its huge capabilities at recording ANY calls via Skype.

Audio Mode

ESR records any audio calls (computer–computer, computer–phone, or skypecast) and saves them with the best sound quality.

Video Mode

Now, as you have ESR, you can record Skype video calls with high quality. It can automatically capture the video stream, encode it, and save into a file. You can use Skype Recorder in full screen or windowed mode.

Hidden Mode

You can also run ESR in "spy mode" to monitor Skype calls of your employees or family members, especially kids. While running in hidden mode, it will be totally undetectable by an ordinary user as it won't display any messages or notifications.

Quickly Edit Audio Files

Only ESR has a built-in audio editor that lets you quickly edit any audio file, modify ID3 tags, or apply various audio effects.

Easily Upload Audio Files

Only our Skype call recording application has a built-in FTP client. Moreover, you can set up automatic uploading of audio or video files to your web server. Skype Recorder can even generate HTML pages for easy navigation. As you can see, it's a must-have for podcasters!

Use the Best App for Recording Skype Calls

The first version of ESR was released in 2007. Since them, we've been polishing our product. More than 80 percent of new features have been added as requested by our users. And don't forget that ESR users get all updates for free!





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(Compatible with Windows 2000/XP/Vista/7/8)







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